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The Fibus Group Gets a Website Overhaul


For the past 3 decades, Dr. Fibus has been helping his clients take control of their emotions, relationships and lives. As one of the leading relationship experts in Sherman Oaks, California, Dr. Fibus has been nationally recognized for his efforts and unique approach to couples counseling. With an arsenal of resources and therapy methods available, he has the ability to help find the right approach that will be the most productive for your goals.

Through the formation of The Fibus Group, Dr. Fibus has created a team of qualified professionals that can help clients through a variety of tough situations including anger management, relationship counseling and the use of neurofeedback for addiction, impulse control, mood disorders and much more. No matter what you need assistance with, the Fibus Group can help you produce life-altering results today.

For this project, Skynet Solutions was responsible for creating a modern, relevant design, developing the website and ensuring consistency among all existing content that was available on the initial website. To further meet the SEO needs of the Fibus Group, Skynet Solutions also ensured accurate redirects and provided structured data for all existing posts and pages. This ensures the website is not only indexed properly in the search results, but it also provides the support needed to help them grow and establish long-lasting growth.

To learn more about the Fibus Group and the services they provide, we encourage you to visit the newly redesigned Dr. Fibus website. We look forward to helping more businesses nationwide enhance their online presence and reach their target audiences effectively. If you are ready to get started on establishing your web presence, we look forward to hearing from you. Let us help you get started and find your place online!

Why Skynet Solutions for Web Design?

Skynet Solutions is committed to providing the best web design services possible. If you are ready to expand your web presence, refresh your website design or enhance your digital marketing, we are here to help. You can fill out our online contact form on our website or connect with us on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn!

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