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Fixing Windows 7 and Windows Vista Boot Issues


If you have installed Windows on a machine and it will not boot or it doesn’t boot unless you have the install cd in the dvd drive. The below steps may solve your issue.

  1. Boot from the install DVD and select System Repair.
  2. Then select System Startup Repair. If this doesn’t work move to step 3.
  3. Repeat step 1 then click Repair Computer then go to the command prompt
  4. Type BootRec /fixmbr hit enter
  5. Type BootRec /fixboot hit enter
  6. Re-boot and see if this fixed your problem.
  7. If not repeat step 3 and then try BootRec /rebuildbcd. If it finds your windows installation everything should be fixed. If it says 0 windows installations found go to step 8.
  8. Go here: Scroll down to bottom and follow the RebuildBcd procedure.

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