If you have installed Windows on a machine and it will not boot or it doesn’t boot unless you have the install cd in the dvd drive. The below steps may solve your issue.
- Boot from the install DVD and select System Repair.
- Then select System Startup Repair. If this doesn’t work move to step 3.
- Repeat step 1 then click Repair Computer then go to the command prompt
- Type BootRec /fixmbr hit enter
- Type BootRec /fixboot hit enter
- Re-boot and see if this fixed your problem.
- If not repeat step 3 and then try BootRec /rebuildbcd. If it finds your windows installation everything should be fixed. If it says 0 windows installations found go to step 8.
- Go here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392 Scroll down to bottom and follow the RebuildBcd procedure.