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Growing Your Email Marketing Lists


Studies have shown that email marketing lists are outdated by 22.5% every year. This is mostly due to the transition of email addresses being used or the use of a junk email when signing up for certain lists to receive a bonus. It is important for marketers to consistently update their email marketing lists to keep marketing efforts from becoming ineffective.

Promote Sign-Up Links

If you have a newsletter, the easiest way to build your email marketing lists is to promote your newsletter sign up links whenever possible. Most often, this can be seen within the closing tag of a blog. By promoting your sign-up link as an incentive to receive new content that consumers find beneficial, they are more likely to opt in.

Promote on Social Media

Facebook recently allowed business pages to include call to action buttons. Perhaps the most beneficial way to use these call to action buttons is to add the option to sign-up for a newsletter list. If your Facebook already has high engagement levels and followers, this can be a quick way to add leads to your email marketing lists.

Incentivize Newsletter Sign-Ups

If your company can give away something of value, use it to help build your email marketing lists. Giveaways could be as simple as how-to guides, free samples or a free consultation. The easiest way to leverage this is to require a newsletter sign-up to unlock special content or receive something free.

You can always call the experts at Skynet Solutions for help with your business listing, website development, marketing or anything else you need to help make your business succeed. With our diverse range of skills and experience, we are sure to have the tools you need to make 2016 your business’s best year yet. You can fill out our contact form to get started today. You can also connect with us on FacebookTwitterGoogle+ and LinkedIn!

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