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The Importance of Updating WordPress


WordPress is easily one of the most used content management systems. It’s easy installation and management makes it perfect for a beginner website, while the unlimited plug-ins make it usable for even the most experienced webmaster. Content management systems and plugins will occasionally roll out updates to improve security or functionality. Though the frequency of them may get tiring, they serve many useful purposes.

Security Updates

Because WordPress is so widely used, it makes sense that website attackers will continually search for exploits to gain access to websites using the CMS. Updated to plugins and the content management system will ensure that security and functionality are at peak performance. New security exploits are being discovered all the time, therefore it is important to follow through with every update.

Speed Increases

WordPress developers are constant retooling the content management system to fine tune it for speed increases. By adapting the coding of program, bugs are eradicated and plugins are able to work more efficiently. Updating WordPress regularly can ensure websites are achieving the best possible speed they can.

Unlock New Features

New features and plugins are being created for WordPress constantly. In order to use these cutting edge plugins, the newest version of WordPress will need to be installed in most cases to avoid compatibility issues. Not updating your CMS can make it harder to install helpful resources and plugins that can benefit visitors or make website redesigns a nightmare. Many WordPress users rely on a webmaster to perform content management system or plugin updates to keep their site running at its full potential. In order to ensure no issues are run into during an update this is most often the best solution. When WordPress updates are installed improperly websites can lose certain functionality, or worse completely crash.

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