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Optimize Your Blog Content for Google Search


While there are many ways to build your web presence, adding regular blogs to your website is crucial for ensuring you are consistently providing fresh, new content for your visitors. Not only can you use relevant blogs as landing pages for your digital advertising, but you can also use them for social media content or email newsletters. In this article, we will cover the basics required to optimize your blog content for Google Search and explain why SEO is so important for continued growth.

Why Is SEO Important for Blog Content?

While SEO is important for any content you put on your website, your blog content will typically be more prominent because it provides the ability to create new content that would be impossible with your static pages. Learning and implementing SEO is 100% and provides an opportunity for businesses to focus on long-term results. While it may take time, optimizing your blog content for Google Search is the most efficient way of establishing your business’ online presence.

In most cases, research has shown that the top ranking result in Google’s search results pages can expect an average clickthrough rate of around 30%. This means that any time a keyword phrase you rank for is searched, 30% of the users will access your page first. However, even cracking the top 10 can provide results with the 10th ranked website receiving a 5% clickthrough rate. Now that we know how important SEO can be, how can you implement it into your blog content for more results?

How To Optimize Blog Content for SEO

Knowing the keywords you want to rank for prior to preparing your blog content is an important first step in ensuring you are able to implement SEO correctly. Once you have done your keyword research and have outlined a roadmap of your upcoming blogs, double check them to ensure they are relevant to your business or industry, yet still remains engaging and exciting for your audiences. Make sure to follow this checklist when writing each blog to ensure they are achieving your SEO goals.

  • Blog posts should be a minimum of 350 words, but longer will always be better. Try to shoot for around 600 words for the most impact.
  • Make sure you are utilizing heading tags for all relevant headers used in your blog content. All titles should be set as H1 tags and preceding headings should be set as H2 tags.
  • Avoid spamming keywords into your blog content and use them sparingly enough to make them the primary focus of the blog. Ensure your keywords are in the first and last paragraph of your blog for the most impact.
  • Add meta descriptions to ensure your Google Search listing is accurately optimized for search engines. To ensure it fits completely, your title should be under 60 characters and the meta description should be under 160 characters.
  • Add alt tags to any images and links that are found in your blog. This not only ensures you are putting the effort required for ADA compliance but also providing extra content that search robots actively scan for.
  • Take the time to link your content to other blogs that provide more information to increase the amount of time spent on your page. If possible, also try to link to external pages that can bolster the relevance of your content.

While these optimization techniques are essential for achieving the best ranking possible, there are other factors that may be out of your control. It is important to remember, however, that SEO strategies take time and must be nurtured to be effective. If you need assistance in optimizing your blog for Google Search, the experts at Skynet Solutions can help.


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