Small Businesses Should Care About Social Media Management In the world of small business these days, it just isn’t enough to have only a website. Digital storefronts now extend into social media sites like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. In order to successfully run a storefront using these networks, they need to be managed. What Is Social Media Management Anyway? Utilizing social media platforms for business makes it easier for your customers to interact, engage, and collaborate with your company. The complete ins and outs of involvement with this many-headed hydra are quite extensive, but here is a list of some of the main things that make up social media management: Writing relevant, interesting, and engaging content for posts with images, videos, links, and trending hashtags Finding great re-shareable content that is appropriate for your business while also appealing to your customer base Frequent daily monitoring of social media accounts to quickly respond to any account activity (like messages or complaints from customers) Engaging with other people, from leaders in your industry to potential customers within your community Creating an editorial calendar to maintain consistent activity and to keep customers informed of what the business is doing (like events and promotions) Regular analytics reviews to determine the most optimal posting days and times, as well as gathering statistics to evaluate all social media efforts Why Small Businesses Should Even Care? If your company isn’t actively on one or more of these social media platforms, then it’s time to get with the program and start capitalizing on them, because your competition is most likely already ahead in the game. Thankfully, it’s never too late to get started. The sooner you begin expanding your social media presence and followers, the better. We all know how important word-of-mouth can be for small businesses, and social networking amplifies that. It’s vital for businesses these days to tap into and join in on these social media conversations about your areas of expertise, your community, your industry, and even your competitors. But with running a business of any size, you simply might not have the time to manage all of those tasks and social networks yourself along with everything else that needs to be done to keep the business operating. Skynet Solutions is here to help you grasp the many-headed social media hydra by determining the right management strategy for your business and implementing a successful social media campaign.

Using SmarterMail Team Workspaces
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