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The Need For Website Speed


If you have ever attempted to load a website, grew impatient and left before it finished, you aren’t alone. Having a slow website can cause a lot of problems that you may not be aware are happening if you aren’t actively monitoring your website performance. In this article, we will examine why your website speed is important and why you should ensure your website visitors aren’t being left in the dust.

Whether you realize it or not, the way people use the internet has changed means that people expect websites to load quickly, even if they are on a mobile device. In fact, the average person can complete hundreds of searches online each day. While this can cause some challenges for developers to find new ways to improve website speed, it is critical for ensuring the best possible user experience while also increasing the likelihood of climbing the search engine rankings.

eCommerce websites often have other challenges that may directly affect their conversion rates online with potential customers. Not only will a slow website limit the chances of window shoppers browsing multiple pages until they find something they like, but the can also abandon the process if it isn’t as seamless and fast as they expect it to be. In these instances, they are more likely to turn to a competitor and never return to your website again due to a bad experience.

As you may already know, website speed is now considered a ranking factor by Google. This ranking signal has taken on new importance as Google strives to reach mobile devices through the implementation of mobile-first indexing. Don’t let your hard work and great website hold your business back. Work with your developer to find the best solutions to improve your website speed.

Why Skynet Solutions for Web Design?

Skynet Solutions is committed to providing the best web design services possible. If you are ready to expand your web presence, refresh your website design or enhance your digital marketing, we are here to help. You can fill out our online contact form on our website or connect with us on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn!

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