Paraphrased and repackaged from the article ‘Reimagining the Web Design Process’ on News360 by Clark Wimberly.
The advent and popularity of Mobile Devices has forced a lot of change in the world of Web Design and Development. Varying screen sizes and the creation of new mobile browsers has made the good ol’ static web page obsolete. The most noticeable changes in the design side of things are fairly simple to summarize:
1. Mobile First – These days, the majority of people are browsing the internet on their phones or tablets. For Web designers, that means that creating simple pages that can be morphed to these more vertical screen dimensions is of utmost importance. Always think mobile before you create the desktop version.
2. One Brick at a Time –Starting with small elements (type, colors etc) then building them up into a complete web page is much easier than building a full page, then breaking it down into smaller elements to shift into a mobile format.
3. Think Beyond Breakpoints – Creating a web page involves content. Words, pictures, and various other elements that make up the meat of the page. Creating a styling system that is dynamic has never been more important. Know that things will change when your page is viewed on different devices.
4. Get Real– Testing absolutely must be done on different devices. Making .psd files for different screen sizes is useful, but actually using a touch screen and interacting with the site on a real phone or tablet will reveal issues you would never think of when designing on a desktop.
So it’s pretty obvious that things have changed, but these tips should really get you into the thought process of modern web design. If you’re needing help with any aspect of your website or marketing in general, get in touch at our website.