Design Uncategorized

What Photoshop Thinks of Dr. OZ

Recently I was spell checking content for a website in Photoshop and a funny item popped up. Apparently Photoshop want to change Dr. Oz to….well I’ll let the image do the talking.


By: Clint Smith

Source: SkyNet Solutions


3 Things You May Need to Know When Switching to Outlook 2013

Make replies open in new windows instead of outlook: Click File above Ribbon Click Options on the left Select Mail from the list on the left Scroll down to the Replies and forwards section Check the box next to Open replies and forwards in a new window Change the from email address: Click Reply to any email Click options at top of Ribbon Then right beneath options header you see from option. Click the From option and it will highlight blue. Now a from button and line is inserted above the to line. Now simply click the from button and select other email address. Enter the address you want and there you go! Outlook will save any addresses you enter so you can use them without typing them again later.   Manually archive mailboxes/folders: Click File in upper left Select Info on left if not already selected Click Cleanup Tools next to Mailbox Cleanup and you will see the option to Archive By: Jed Parmenter Source: SkyNet Solutions