Even the best content writer has days where they feel like they can’t come up with any content ideas. This is especially true if you have to produce content multiple times a week or every day. No matter how well you know your industry, there comes a day where it feels like the well has run dry. That’s why we made this blog idea cheat sheet. These ideas can be applied to any company in any industry (seriously!), so bookmark this post for a that rainy day when you feel like you’ve hit the wall. Industry predictions:no matter what industry you’re in, there are innovations being made and new developments moving it forward. From software development to agriculture, there is no industry that isn’t constantly changing and developing. So, take a look at what these developments might be for your specific industry and create a post predicting where you see it going in the year ahead. Staff profiles:this is a great way for customers to get to know your company in a more personal way—and for you to get to know your coworkers better! Create a standard set of questions and then run through them with everyone at your office (or one person per department if you work in a large company). Ask questions like “how long have you worked at the company,” “what’s your favorite part of working here,” “did you think you’d work in this industry when you were little,” and “what’s the coolest/funniest story you have from your time here.” Then when you run out of content ideas you can post one of the profiles. Guest post:this is one of the easiest because you don’t have to do any writing at all! Invite someone else experienced and knowledgeable about your industry to write a guest post for you. Maybe this person is management at your company (if they can spare the time), a thought leader in your industry or a coworker from another part of the company who has a fresh perspective. Just make sure to look it over before posting. Even though it’s someone else’s writing, it’s still your reputation. Event preview: this is a great one for companies that host or participate in a lot of events. This doesn’t only apply to fancy, industry events. Is your company setting up a booth at the county fair? Blog about it! Not only does it give you a chance to promote your brand online and show off how knowledgeable you are (and involved in the community—bonus!), but it also makes people more likely to stop by your booth while they’re out at the fair. FAQ post:if you have customers, they ask questions. Whether you’re a pest control professional or a dentist or a jewelry maker, your clients have questions about what you do and how you do it. So round up the questions you seem to be asked most frequently and write a blog post with the answers! Book/movie review:did a book or movie recently come out that would be of interest to others in your industry or your customers? Read it/see it and write a review! Trend or current event story:if there’s something in the news that is relevant to your industry, write a blog about it. Odds are, your customers are seeing the same news story and will be wondering what you think about it, so get out ahead of it and let them know what you think in a blog. Plus, if it’s a really hot topic, it could bring more traffic to your site. How to or beginner’s guide post:nobody knows your industry better than you. Share some of that sage advice with others who are just getting started out. Take a toping in your field and great a beginner’s guide post. If you’re a baker, you could write, “The Beginner’s Guide to The Perfect Sugar Cookie.” Or if you’re in automotive repair, you could write, “The Beginner’s Guide to a Home Oil Change.” The possibilities are endless. If you need any help keeping up with your blogging requirements or updating your content, call the content creation experts at Skynet Solutions. We can write interesting, fresh content for any industry or business, as well as handling your social media and other marketing needs. Whether you’re targeting specific customers or just want to get the word out about your new business, we can handle it. We also have a talented development team who can build you anything from a basic website to custom software. With our diverse range of skills and experience, we are sure to have the tools you need to make 2016 your business’s best year yet. You can fill out our online contact form on our website. You can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn!