
Holiday and Online Retail

With the holiday season fast approaching, now is a good time to examine your company’s web presence. Online retail exposure is not a fad that is going away anytime soon. In fact, it is a growing segment with which you can augment your brick and mortar store. Each kind of business and clientele requires different approaches. Depending on your current online presence, it may only require minimal work to drive more business through your door. Some businesses need a way to sell products on the web, while others may just need more avenues to spread the word about their business.

You can use the web to create a two-way dialogue with your customers. Tools like Facebook and Twitter allow you to tell your company’s story, as well as update customers about new products and accomplishments your company has. Some companies are weary of creating an open public venue for customers to provide feedback because of the possibility of a customer leaving a bad review. This may happen, but the key to making it work to your advantage is how you will address such complaints. This will be where you can let your customer service shine. Consider if the customer had not left the complaint on your public page and instead posted it on their private page. This kind of thing may already be happening. Without providing a venue for customers to give feedback, you will lose the opportunity to correct their poor experience.

When it comes to selling products online, there are a lot of different ways to facilitate the shopping and purchase process. The best way to go for most is to have a custom online store with a custom cart that keeps the customer on your site. When a customer is taken away from a site to make the purchase, there is a lot of distraction that can happen, and the purchase process is more difficult. During the multiple steps, customers lose confidence in the process, and some even give up if there are any problems along the way. If you have a custom store and cart built, you can keep the customer on your site from beginning to end. By doing this, you streamline the process as well as minimize the possibility of customers quitting mid-purchase. A custom store and cart allow for more flexibility in running sales and specials. With these tools, you can turn hits (site visits) in to conversions (purchases).

(Source: Skynet Solutions)

By Joe Hart


Editor Comparison

I’ve used a few editors for various tasks, and each has advantages and disadvantages over the others. Personally, I’ve played with Dreamweaver, Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Eclipse. Some of these are a bit more popular than others. For more information, visit Wikipedia Comparison of HTML Editors.


I love how basic this editor is. I’m probably most familiar with this one since I’ve used it the most. I like the default functionality to duplicate entire lines or line segments. Not many others allow this full functionality. Also, if you highlight a variable or full word, it highlights all its other uses on the same document. This feature is great for when you are checking if you spelled the variable right, or when you are trying to follow along with code that has no comments. There is a nice plug-in manager that allows a few plug-ins. One item I really enjoy is being able to have a “project” which I can upload to a remote server. Currently, I have not found a single plug-in that allows both of these.


This one is probably one of the most common editors you will encounter when doing web development. It’s adaptable to multiple languages and usually comes with an Adobe package. The built- in project management is nice; it allows you to set them up with more features than you will ever need. I would like to see the projects be manageable in folders, which helps when you manage over 10 projects. The biggest downfall I found with Dreamweaver is that it slows my computer down quite a bit when I bring it back into focus after a few minutes.

Sublime Text

This is one of the newer editors I’ve encountered, and I still wouldn’t consider myself a pro at using it quite yet. When you open it up, it’s a very light-weight editor with the ability to add plug-ins. The plug-ins I found were extremely easy to develop with all sorts of documentation and code examples. There are already tons of plug-ins available. There is a project manager plug-in which I found very useful, but it doesn’t currently have all the features I’d love. However when speaking with the developer of the plug-in, he did mention he would be adding these features.


This was one of the first editors I used that offered syntax highlighting. Before that I was using… Window’s Notepad. Dreadful, I know. There are a few versions for various languages including Java, PHP, and C/C++. The project management was a very nice feature for me, and still is. It’s not a tiny editor, but so far I’ve never had it slow down my computer.

(Source: Skynet Solutions)

By Blaine Schmeisser


Server 2003 “Terminal Server has exceeded the maximum number of connections”

Well this can and has happened to the best of us. We had a new tech working on a server, and he just disconnected instead of logging off. I knew there was a work-around to get in, and it took me longer than I felt it should to figure out. Most of the immediate stuff coming up in Google is all about Windows home server. In order to get in, you simply need to go to Command prompt, and run:

mstsc / /f -admin

Be sure to replace the with your server’s IP Address.

Once in, it is important you go straight to Task Manager and log off the other users. If you disconnect while logged in this way, you will be forced to hook up a keyboard, mouse, and monitor to the physical machine.

(Source: Skynet Solutions)

By Jed Parmenter


Google+ Brand Pages

Vic Gundotra, Google’s Senior Vice President of engineering, was a speaker at the recent Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. He reportedly stated that brand pages will be arriving on the platform soon. Adding business pages will only add to the allure of using Google+ both for users and businesses.

This will be great not only for businesses wishing to advertise/promote with a page, but also for users who frequently connect with businesses on social networks such as Facebook. These sort of public platforms allow for both negative and positive reviews which help better the product.

Google+ was launched in June and now claims to have 40 million users. Ford was one of the first brands to try the network for marketing purposes. Over 21,000 people have the Ford test account in their circles. The new pages do not have anything exciting currently, but I’m sure they will be rolling out more updates in the future.

Currently, I am still using Facebook over Google+, but Google has impressed me over the last week or two, and I can’t wait to see what they roll out next.

(Source: Skynet Solutions)

By Ryan Williams