Business Development Support

Business Automation with Software

Business automation software is the future of consumer-business and business-business interactions. It streamlines all your company efforts into one, seamless process and designated channel of communication. We believe in efficiency and we have the means to achieve it.

Have you ever had a complaint or question from a customer and realized you would have to spend the rest of the afternoon digging through piles of paper files to find their bill and respond to their inquiry? Or have you ever accidentally not billed-or even worse, double-billed-a customer for a service because you didn’t have an effective system to keep track of billing and receipts? Or what about losing the resume of a great prospective job applicant because you have no system in place to keep track of incoming applications? As some point, most small business owners have had to deal with one of these problems or something similar to it.

The problem is, that not only are these things annoying, they’re also a waste of your time and money. We know that as a business owner, you work harder than just about anybody else around and you don’t have time or money to waste-especially when it comes to running your company. The good news is that all of these problems can be easily avoided with simple, automated systems. Everything from sales, human resources and IT to supply chain logistics, management and billing can be simplified with business automation.

Business automation software is the future of consumer-business and business-business interactions. It streamlines all your company efforts into one, seamless process and designated channel of communication. It creates accountability in the office because every action has a responsible owner. Every action is tied to the individual who started that process, so if you or a customer has questions about any service or order, you can trace it back to the source. Business automation software also keeps you from making human errors that can cost your business money. Things like unpaid bills that might go unnoticed in a busy office will never be forgotten by an automated system. By removing the potential for human error, you protect against things like wasted time, wasted money, forgotten accounts and missed steps.

All the little details of running a business can really slow down your process and overwhelm you. We believe in efficiency and we have the means to achieve it. Implementing business automation software reduces the cost of doing business by taking out the labor intensive activities like filing, sorting through stacks of paperwork, copying and faxing and other similar activities. This allows you and your employees to focus on what’s really important-your business! No matter your industry, from the restaurant business to auto body repair to technology development, parts of it can be made easier and more efficient if everyone spends less time looking for paperwork or using the fax machine and gets to spend that time on doing their job to the best of their abilities.

There really isn’t any part of an office process that can’t be automated and made more efficient. Everything from accounts payable to most human resources hiring practices. Looking to hire? We can help you easily streamline your onboarding process for both applicants and your human resources staff with business automation software. Implementing this makes it easier for everyone. Even the best HR employee may lose track of an application or two if you are inundated. And if you have multiple postings at once, it gets even more difficult to track. You don’t want to lose out on a great candidate because you didn’t have a system in place to track them!

We have experience designing and creating software that makes the entire process smooth and streamlined. And if our existing software doesn’t do everything your business requires of it, we can customize software for your unique needs.

Our business automation software allows you as the business owner to focus your time and efforts less on the busy-work and more on the fun stuff. You started your business because you’re passionate about your industry and you know you can do it better than anyone else is doing it. However, when you spend two-thirds of your day bogged down in paperwork, logistics and human resources issues, it’s easy to forget why you actually started your business in the first place. We want to help change that with our business automation software. And rest assured, if none of our existing software works for your business, then we will do what we do best and create custom automation tools specifically for your business.

What is Business Automation and its Purpose?

Business automation starts when a customer makes a request and ends when the customer receives their completed request and pays for the good or service. Every step of the way through is cataloged and organized so that every step of the process is documented and can be referred back to later if necessary. This way, if a customer has a question or a compliant or you or an employee are trying to remember what stage of completion a certain task is at, all you have to do is check the system. No more relying on a he-said, she-said or someone’s distant memory. And goodbye to all those business nightmare scenarios we outlined earlier.

In short, business automation software replaces manual triggers with software. So, instead of you walking over to your coworker’s desk and telling them, “hey, I completed this task, please take over the next step and then send it back to me when you’re done,” the system automatically creates and alert and moves the task from your to-do list to your coworker’s to-do list. You can have set this up in whatever way seems most logical and convenient for you and your employees to use. You can have the system send an email alert or another type of alert when you receive a new task. You can ensure that each task comes with a timestamp and a chain of custody so you can always trace it back and see who sent what task to who when and who completed what step when.

For every project you work on for a customer, no matter how large or small, you can create a task. That way there is always a record that you can reference to see how long it has been since you started a project and what stage of completion it is in. That way, if you or a customer ever has a question about something, all you have to do is check the task so see when and where a problem occurred. No more searching through your email trash folder or wondering where you put that Post-it you had taken notes on at the last client meeting. This creates an end to end process and eliminates the potential for human error and which increases efficiency.

Still not Convinced? Check Out These Statistics.

91% Percent of companies with more than 11 people use a CRM system, compared to 50 percent of companies with 10 or fewer employees

81% Percent of CRM users now accessing their software via mobile devices, leading to greatly increased productivity

79% Percent of top-performing companies using marketing automation for more than two years

  • Sales reps saw productivity increased by 15 percent when they had mobile access to CRM applications
  • Research has shown that 65 percent of sales reps who have mobile access to CRM meet their sales quotes, compared to only 22 percent of those who don’t have mobile access to company CRM
  • Companies considered best-in-class are 67 percent more likely to use a marketing automation platform of some kind
  • 75 percent of customers say they’ll spend more money with a company as a direct result of a past positive customer relationship experience
  • 70 percent of businesses already using CRM software intend to increase spending on it because they’re so happy with it
  • 78 percent of successful marketers say their marketing automation system is most responsible for bringing in more revenue
  • 61 percent of CRM users said security and privacy were not challenges when adopting or using their CRM system
    However, 56 percent said they faced challenges when trying to customize their CRM without professional help
  • 74 percent said their CRM offered improved access to customer data