
EasyIDS Bug Tracker Available

To help keep track of the bugs and fixes that get reported for our products, we have made a Mantis Bug Tracker install available: Users are more than welcome to create an account on the tracker but please note that e-mail submissions or forum posts are still the preferred method of reporting bugs and feature requests.

(Source: Skynet Solutions)

By Cory Claflin


EasyIDS 0.4 Released

After many late nights and long weekends we are pleased to announce that 0.4 is now available for download. This release includes many new web features and scripts to make management of your EasyIDS system even easier. Special thanks to Sourcefire for allowing us to include a more current Snort ruleset in the distribution. 0.4 is a beta release and we would appreciate feedback and suggestions. You can see the new screenshots here and you can see the changelog here.

We are working on scripts to help with the upgrade from 0.3 and will be upgrading the documentation as soon as we can. Additionally, we hope to soon offer a few hardware products for use with EasyIDS. And finally, we have also launched our own forums to provide a central location for support and community discussions.

(Source: Skynet Solutions)

By Cory Claflin