
Premium Powders Website Launch

SkyNet Solutions has launched another website for a supplement and vitamin company called Premium Powders. We developed their website, brand, marketing materials, and packaging designs. Premium Powders manufacturers and distributes many commonly known herbs, vitamins, and sport supplements to retailers around the world.


Source: Skynet Solutions

By: Clint Smith


ISPConfig Default Website

I’m not the local Linux GURU by far, but we have an internal CentOS machine running ISPConfig that hosts a couple of our internal sites running on Linux. I wanted to set up a parked domain project that we could point any domains we were not using to and serve ads and offer the domains for sale. So I got the site going, but I needed ISPConfig to default to that site whenever a domain hit the server and was not actually set up. You would think something like this would just be built in. Anyone using this as a host would want sites they turned off to load a splash page or something. However ISPConfig/Apache’s default is to just load the first site it comes to, which ends up being alphabetically since they are in the conf directory like that. So for us that was our internal bug tracking site-not what I wanted at all.

I found several posts talking about using a redirect or modifying httpd.conf and adding

DocumentRoot /www/docs/
ErrorLog logs/
CustomLog logs/ common

I couldn’t seem to get this to work, and I really wanted to do this myself instead of having to lean on Cory, our real Linux GURU.

The package I’m using is called D-Park Pro. It was cheap enough I tried it despite the random bad reviews I could find. It lets me set up the individual site so I can make the content unique for each parked domain. It works great.

Anyhow the point of telling you that was that I realized inside /etc/httpd/conf/sites-available, the individual vhost file for my intended target had several aliases in it that D-Park creates as I add sites to it. I then noticed inside httpd.conf there is an include line that includes the entire sites-available folder.

I simply included the vhost file of the site I wanted to load so that it is the first site. So inside my http.conf file, I originally had:

NameVirtualHost *:80
NameVirtualHost *:443
Include /etc/httpd/conf/sites-enabled/

I changed it to:

NameVirtualHost *:80
NameVirtualHost *:443
Include /etc/httpd/conf/sites-enabled/
Include /etc/httpd/conf/sites-enabled/

If you notice all I did was insert the include for my preferred first target host file before the original include. Works perfectly!

Source: Skynet Solutions

By: Jed Parmenter


Stationary pad in OSX

Recently I had a mysterious problem with duplicate files being created when I double click them to open. It also happens when I right click and open with and it seems to happen to photoshop files only.

Stationary pad is an old Macintosh option that is still lurking around. This allows the file to be duplicated when double clicked and open up the duplicate for you to work with therefore leaving the original file as a template.

So how do you remedy this action? Simple. Open a finder window and right click an effected file. Then select ‘get info’ and this window will open. Or you can find and highlight the file in finder and press command+i to ‘get info’…..gotta love those hotkeys!


Make sure that this box is unselected and the mysterious file duplication problem is solved. I hope that this post may help someone else in the future that is encountered this issue.

Source: Skynet Solutions

By: Clint Smith


Facebook Check In Deals

Adding a Check In Deal to your Facebook Fan page for your business or organization is a simple process and a great way to increase your social media presence. When a customer checks in, your business shows up on his timeline. Also his friends might see that activity in their news feed.  Getting customers to check in is a great way to show their friends that you offer a good or service that might be valuable to them.

Facebook has made setting up a Check In Deal very easy. Access the admin panel of your Fan page underneath the profile picture. Click the About link on the About page. If you drag your mouse, an edit box will appear. Click the edit box. On the left hand side of the page underneath your settings, there is a Deals logo.  Click on this deals icon, and then click on the create a deal icon.

Now you have four options to choose from: Individual deals for promos and gifts with purchases, a Friend deal to reward groups when they check in together, Loyalty deals to reward customers for checking in a certain number of times (similar to a loyalty punch card), and Charity deals to pledge donations to a charity. For most businesses, I would recommend the individual deal or the loyalty deal. Now define the terms of your deal. For instance you could offer 10% off a customer’s purchase if he checks in. Then set the duration of your deal and how many deals you can offer. Facebook will review the deal within 48 hours and send you a message once the deal is approved. Make sure you pay attention to the start and end dates of your campaign since it could take up to 48 hours for approval. I recommend starting the campaign 2 days after you submit it.


Source: Skynet Solutions

By : Ryan Williams

Design Uncategorized


This is another site that we launched: Echews is a sister company to and makes a tasty chewable energy tablet.

Source Skynet Solutions

By Clint Smith


Atomic Tabs Website Launch

Here is another website that we have completed this year. An interesting point of interest on this site is the use of Adobe Edge for the animations.

Are you looking for an alternative to Energy Drinks? Give Atomic Tabs chewable energy a try. A far more versatile product in terms of transportability that can deliver more energy per serving than most items on the market.


By: Clint Smith

Source: Skynet Solutions