Development Digital Marketing News Marketing

When Should a Business Invest in a Mobile App?

With the rising prominence of mobile search in recent years, and the expectation for this trend to continue growing, many businesses are wondering if it makes sense to invest in a mobile app. According to estimates, 92% of mobile device usage is spent on apps while only 8% is used on web browsing. While this may seem like a dramatic shift, that doesn’t mean that all businesses need or should pursue the release of a mobile app.

Development Digital Marketing News

The Fibus Group Gets a Website Overhaul

For the past 3 decades, Dr. Fibus has been helping his clients take control of their emotions, relationships and lives. As one of the leading relationship experts in Sherman Oaks, California, Dr. Fibus has been nationally recognized for his efforts and unique approach to couples counseling. With an arsenal of resources and therapy methods available, he has the ability to help find the right approach that will be the most productive for your goals.

Digital Marketing News Marketing

Simple Email Marketing Tips to Boost ROI

If you have put in the effort to grow your email lists but are having trouble finding the best way to utilize them, you’ve come to the right place. While the concept of email marketing can seem like a difficult process, it has never been easier to boost your ROI with this strategy. However, to make sure your message is as effective as possible, it is important to ensure your campaigns are as efficient and streamlined as possible.

Design Development Digital Marketing News Website

Skynet Solutions Releases Virtual Office Manufacturing Software

Over time, Skynet Solutions has worked with supplement manufacturers of all sizes to not only enhance their online presence but also ensure their manufacturing processes are as efficient and effective as possible. With the constantly-evolving rules and regulations that supplement manufacturers face, it is important to make sure they have the technology and software solutions needed to simplify the manufacturing process while remaining compliant. To provide the support the supplement industry desperately needs, Skynet Solutions is proud to release the Virtual Office Manufacturing Software.

Digital Marketing News Marketing

Does SEO Fit Your Business’ Marketing Goals?

With the changes that are constantly occurring in digital marketing, it can seem hard for small business owners to find the strategy that will provide the most value for them. However, while some short-term strategies may change based on your business’ marketing goals, SEO remains the best long-term strategy available.

Digital Marketing News Marketing

3 Ways To Listen To Your Digital Audiences

There is no easier way to learn how your brand is perceived than spending time seeing what people are saying about you online. With the expansion of social media and other digital platforms, businesses now have instant access to their target audiences, no matter where they may be. If you are ready to enhance your brand image, here are 3 ways you can listen to your digital audiences.