Digital Marketing News Marketing

Why Does Your Business Need a Blog?

As a business, it can be hard to see the need to invest in writing services or divert the time of your employees to create blogs for your website. However, failing to maintain an active blog could be souring your reputation online and steadily dropping your search rank. Given the prominent role that content plays in modern digital marketing, it’s no surprise that your business needs a blog to be successful. But how exactly does a blog help your business and why do you need one to help your business grow?

Digital Marketing News Marketing

What Can Small Businesses Learn from the COVID-19 Lockdowns?

Each day during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, more and more small businesses are deciding to give up on their dreams and permanently close their business. Whether this stems from a lack of necessary funds or the inability to receive financial assistance to pay rent or other overhead costs. In this article, we will look at 3 things that small businesses can learn from the COVID-19 lockdowns and some precautions that should be in place if a similar situation occurs in the future.

Business Digital Marketing News

IRS Warns Coronavirus-Related Scams are Coming

Recently, the Internal Revenue Service reached out to small businesses to help urge taxpayers to be cautious of coronavirus-related scams that may soon come through their phone or email accounts. Responding to these phishing attempts will often lead to tax-related fraud and identity theft. Unfortunately, the most at-risk segments of the population for these scams are elderly individuals and those that are the most at need during this uncertain period.

Development Digital Marketing News

Reasons to Start an eCommerce Website

Any business that sells products at a physical location should be considering making the shift to an eCommerce website to supplement its existing sales plan. As one of the quickest ways to expand potential customer reach and increase overall revenue, there are many reasons that creating a dedicated online store makes sense for any business. In this article, we will look at four reasons that any business should consider when deciding to start an eCommerce website.

Design Digital Marketing News

Weagle Seeks to Redefine CBD Products

As arguably one of the most important business strategies when starting a business, branding not only helps define your business to broad audiences but creates an identity that sticks in the minds of consumers both now and in the future. For this reason, finding the right branding for your business is critical for success in modern competitive industries. Perhaps one of the most overlooked facets that play a crucial role in branding and encouraging a sale is packaging design. Recently, Skynet Solutions had the honor of helping Weagle create a label for its flagship liposomal CBD product.

Digital Marketing News Website

Transform Supplements Returns with New Branding

The supplement industry is constantly changing and brands will often need to adapt to changing demands to remain successful. As a longtime favorite among bodybuilders and athletes, Transform Supplements has taken new steps to ensure their products are not only efficacious but also environmentally conscious. Both made in the USA and vegan-friendly, Transform Supplements are aiming to make 2020 the best year yet for the brand.